I did pledge too. If had to choose, I'd prioritize data over tools.
I recently found a profitable growing company going for less than tangible book value in Korea so definitely a lot of opportunities out there.
@sz Might be worth making a pledge to help get this started?
Yes, might do that. I have been investing in these markets for a while and would be interesting to have them here. I need to hear more about this first though and about who would get access to it and at what cost. For example, would I get access if I pledge an amount?
Just $10.000 left to give this a shot!
I do hope we reach the 90k threshold. Also, if you need any help when working with Brazilian data, I will be glad to help.
How could foreigners access Brazilian stocks? IB doesn't support them.
Also, are they liquid? I tried to buy Mexican stocks via IB and find they are very illiquid.
As far as I know, you cannot access them directly from the US. Maybe you could try some of the large Brazilian banks that have branches in the USA, like BTG or XP to open an account in Brazil.
As to liquidity, it is mostly illiquid under US standards. If we apply a daily liquidity filter of R$500,000 (about USD90,000) over a one-year period, we have a total of 230 stocks. In this universe, around 175 companies have a market capitalization under USD2.5 billion.
Only $5k more
That's much better than Mexican stocks.
We are almost there!
Going once, going twice...
Will it include data on stocks that can't be traded via IB such as China A shares?
See FactSet Real Time Data. It should include all the exchanges listed under Asia Pacific, Middle Eastern & African, Mexico, and South American.
It looks like we have reached the goal!!!
Yes indeed, exactly $90K! But is everybody still committed, specially the big pledges? We will contact each of them and report back. Big Thanks
Any update on this?
Hello! Any news on Asian and Emerging Markets? Tks
@marco @yuvaltaylor any update on this project?
We'll nail a start date soon. Sorry we're trying to wrap up several things