It will be interesting to see what (if any) changes in the API credits happen along with the initial implementation of the first AI/ML.
It does seem that DataMiner and the API will not be always necessary going forward. I am not a programmer but how much does a data download cost? Again, I am not a programmer but maybe fewer bits in the P123 downloads than the last movie I watched on Netflix. Quite bit fewer than that 4k movie with Dolby Suround?. Not to mention the multiple-season 4k series (e.g., Ozark). Isn’t the array already produced (and in memory cache) when we do a rank performance test (at no additional cost now)?
Anyway, for the last time here, I am not a programmer. But it seems the cost structure could be changed if it makes business sense—including that supply and demand curve they made me learn in economics 101. Happy to have what is available now even, but will be interesting see if increased volume brings down the cosst (with some of the costs being sunk or fixed costs). It would seem that it should work no matter the cost structure (totally supportive).
Also I wonder what the average or median Kaggle competitor looks like. Young and just out of schoo,l or in school trying to become know, with a MacBook Pro drinking a lot of energy drinks is my stereotypical image.But more pertinent, I wonder what their median income is.