Designer Models

Hi, I am getting some feedback from subscribers of my designer models:

  • They do not understand why they pay the membership of P123 + the price of the model. They would rather sub to the model, and everything is done in one shot (billing + one step (not two like now) step process to sub to the model and ready to go.

  • Some subs want the (small cap) model exclusively, so they do not fight over liquidity with other subscribers. And they wonder why they sub to models that have a minimum liquidity requirement if they trade the model with relatively small capital exclusively. So, a lower liquidity requirement would be great (P123 could flag it à “only suitable for smaller accounts”).

  • Subs would love to sub to books (second priority, lot of programming work is my best guess)

  • I am wondering why I must pay 20$ extra for more than 10 Models, when P123 is already deducting a management fee :slight_smile: Again the exclusive model for small cap stuff works well, so it would be great if we would not disincentivize it. I could imagine running 50 strategies…

  • it would be great if I could have an invite only for my designer models. I have several students (meaning they go to college / university) with a very small account, I would love to provide them with systems that are cheaper, but I would like to make sure that they do not get subscribed by people I do not know. Some models got impacted in the past with too much capital: if I know the sub. I can consult better (I can not avoid it a 100%, understood).

Controversial (just a try😊)

  • Add a button to the strategy, so I can hedge it, raise cash for the strategy (yes, for all users).


I think that designer models can have a huge future.

How we do it:

Blog / Videos etc. à Discussion about systematic trading, Market Regimes (what strategies are best in which market regime, here is a reference post: Very, very long post: How to time the market and how to time ETFs & Strategies via the Quads )

Just some background: not every strategy works well in all market regimes, if you know how to time beta and add alpha (through trading strategies) when (high(er) beta (captured by growthy stocks) is in play, you got something. Yes, small cap value momentum and Quality strategies come back fast, still a 40-50% drawdown kills 90% of all investors / traders, they sell near the bottom and do not come back for years.

Traders that are interested in discussions, education etc. à Discord group, 25$ a month QuantStrike Coaching Server by Andreas Himmelreich Subscriber
(We have a free discord group now, we will switch…)

There is some demand for small cap systems. But there is huge demand for bigger cap 401k type of style systems (some want to time them by the market regime, some only by the liquidity picture, some not at all). Let’s just say that the financial industry is mostly based on collecting AUM with not so hot advise (By the way P123 is the (!!!) exception). Other services drive on fear mongering, or they push their lagging macro models. It is insane. It kills me.

Also, it is not just the knowledge, it is the feeling that you are in it together with a group, that leads to conviction to pull the trigger (some members of the group are in cash, because they fear a recession driven by fear mongers in a blazing hot / bullish tape, this is so crazy). And systematically trading makes it also easier to pull the trigger (especially with the automation on bigger cap systems).

Most want to mix (20% smaller caps, 80% bigger caps). I design trading systems based on the feedback of the users (some prefer 4 weeks rebalance, want at least 20 stocks etc., some only want tech stocks from the Nasdaq 100 etc.)

  1. For this I would love to see some of the above improvements (especially the invite function + dropping the 20$ for extra systems.)

  2. My personal motivation is to help and to be part of a group (trading is lonely!). Yes, of cause, a second income is part of the motivation.

All right, sorry for the rant.

All the best and best regards


Feedback from P123 highly appr. :slight_smile:

P123 should take notice. Judgetrade is successfully bringing in subscribers to DMs.

You don’t need a P123 subscription to follow a DM

Sure. This requirement (and probably others) are left over from prior versions.

Mid-sized project. DM market still too small to justify. I’ll add it to the future roadmap to see if it gets any votes.

Main motivation was to prevent survivorship bias abuses. W/o any costs, one could launch 50 models, then just keep the best ones after 1 year. An alternative would be that model deletion goes through us so we can police it. Regardless, a limit is needed since it would not be good to have 100’s of models from one Designer, no?

Great suggestions. I’ll add it to the future roadmap to see if it gets any votes.


Marco - the best way to prevent abuses is to provide a link to all canceled models under the designer’s profile in addition to the active models.


I still like the idea of a landing page that can be reached directly with a url.


Thank you!