European data now available on beta site

Yes, sorry Yuval, I was in the screen yesterday making some changes, to do some further testing

But, it may look like you are right anyway. There must be some disparity in the universes that I am unable to pick up in the two tests. I have tested it on R 1000, 2000,3000 and S&P 600, 400, 1500. Then I find only minor differences.

Hi Yuval,

Congratulations to p123. This sounds like a big step forward.

Regarding the Beta site, I believe I am following your directions but I get a message saying “No Universe defined” when I try to run a Sim.

I see that message although I am choosing “Europe (incl Foreign Primary)” and choosing Euros as the currency and “MSCI Europe (IMEU NLD)” as the benchmark. I must be overlooking something obvious but can’t identify my error.

Also, what is the cleanest way to revert back to the old site from the beta site?

Thank you.


Hugh -
European data is only available to FactSet-based customers. If you’d like to add an additional subscription to FactSet data, please send an e-mail to me at

The beta server seems to be down, can someone give it a little push?

My first tests on European stocks are promising. Thank you very much for this development!

Agreed. I’ve been a skeptic whether international markets would interest me, but the results so far have changed my mind. For a retail investor, this is a great way to fish in the waters others aren’t fishing in. Great work P123. I know this has been a long journey.

Will P123 data updates still keep the same schedule when P123 goes live with Europe (and Asia/Pacific) market stocks?

They seem to be down again, another push?

At the moment we’re planning to add another Sunday night update at 10 pm CST so that European users can rebalance their portfolios before market open. Details still have to be worked out . . .

Thank you, yuval.

Will there be respective European indices on the beta site available to hedge and test against?

At the moment we have MSCI Europe. When you choose your benchmark or hedge, go to the Currency box, choose EUR, and there you’ll see it.

We’re planning to add other benchmarks soon.

Is it now possible to use shorting ratio on European data?

No, there are no plans to add short interest at the moment.

We do have plans to add institutional & insider.

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