I need help with a small change in my Python code

I’m trying to rewrite the code to follow Wouter Keller’s Bold Asset Allocation - Aggressive strategy, which means holding only one position at a time.

I have tried to modify the code myself using ChatGPT, but it did not help. Can someone help me identify where I need to make adjustments to ensure that the strategy only holds one position at a time?

Here is the code,

#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *

#See: Relative and Absolute Momentum in Times of Rising/Low Yields: Bold Asset Allocation (BAA) by Wouter J. Keller :: SSRN
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

class BoldAssetAllocation(QCAlgorithm):

def Initialize(self):
    self.SetStartDate(2015,1,1)  # Set Start Date
    self.start_cash = 100000
    self.SetCash(self.start_cash)  # Set Strategy Cash
    # Algo Parameters
    self.prds = [1,3,6,12]
    self.prdwts = np.array([12,6,2,1])
    self.LO, self.LD, self.LP, self.B, self.TO, self.TD = [12,12,0,1,1,3]
    self.hprd = max(self.prds+[self.LO,self.LD])*21+50
    # Assets
    self.canary = ['SPY','EFA','EEM','BND']
    self.offensive = ['QQQ','EFA','EEM','BND']
    self.defensive = ['BIL','BND','DBC','IEF','LQD','TIP','TLT']
    self.safe = 'BIL'
    # repeat safe asset so it can be selected multiple times
    self.alldefensive = self.defensive + [self.safe] * max(0,self.TD - sum([1*(e==self.safe) for e in self.defensive]))
    self.eqs = list(dict.fromkeys(self.canary+self.offensive+self.alldefensive))
    for eq in self.eqs:
    # monthly rebalance
    self.Trade = True
def rebal(self):
    self.Trade = True

def OnData(self, data):           
    if self.Trade:
        # Get price data and trading weights
        h = self.History(self.eqs,self.hprd,Resolution.Daily)['close'].unstack(level=0)
        wts = self.trade_wts(h)

        # trade
        port_tgt = [PortfolioTarget(x,y) for x,y in zip(wts.index,wts.values)]
        self.Trade = False

def trade_wts(self,hist):
    # initialize wts Series
    wts = pd.Series(0,index=hist.columns)
    # end of month values
    h_eom = (hist.loc[hist.groupby(hist.index.to_period('M')).apply(lambda x: x.index.max())]

    # =====================================
    # check if canary universe is triggered
    # =====================================
    # build dataframe of momentum values
    mom = h_eom.iloc[-1,:].div(h_eom.iloc[[-p-1 for p in self.prds],:],axis=0)-1
    mom = mom.loc[:,self.canary].T
    # Determine number of canary securities with negative weighted momentum
    n_canary = np.sum(np.sum(mom.values*self.prdwts,axis=1)<0)
    # % equity offensive 
    pct_in = 1-min(1,n_canary/self.B)

    # =====================================
    # get weights for offensive and defensive universes
    # =====================================
    # determine weights of offensive universe
    if pct_in > 0:
        # price / SMA
        mom_in = h_eom.iloc[-1,:].div(h_eom.iloc[[-t for t in range(1,self.LO+1)]].mean(axis=0),axis=0)
        mom_in = mom_in.loc[self.offensive].sort_values(ascending=False)
        # equal weightings to top relative momentum securities
        in_wts = pd.Series(pct_in/self.TO,index=mom_in.index[:self.TO])
        wts = pd.concat([wts,in_wts])
    # determine weights of defensive universe
    if pct_in < 1:
        # price / SMA
        mom_out = h_eom.iloc[-1,:].div(h_eom.iloc[[-t for t in range(1,self.LD+1)]].mean(axis=0),axis=0)
        mom_out = mom_out.loc[self.alldefensive].sort_values(ascending=False)
        # equal weightings to top relative momentum securities
        out_wts = pd.Series((1-pct_in)/self.TD,index=mom_out.index[:self.TD])
        wts = pd.concat([wts,out_wts])     
    wts = wts.groupby(wts.index).sum()

    return wts

and here is the website it was sourced from.

I was planning to run it in (great site): Algorithmic Trading Platform - QuantConnect.com