Is Stock Picking Worth It

I would support Yuval Taylor theory if your capital is < $100,000
The most alpha I find in micro-caps but they are extremely risky and require day to day monitoring.
I trade very unliquid stocks (often < 1,000 AD$V). I wait until the order is filled, very often I take profit once there is large, unjustified upspike.

FWIW, I currently have $1.5 million in microcaps and small caps. 22% in stocks less than $100M market cap; 36% in stocks between $100M and $250M; 28% in stocks between $250M and $500M; 14% in stocks over $500M.

This is a 50 stock portfolio generated from about 10 separate models. Each of these models generates a list of stocks with an average of between 10 and 30 stocks. There is some overlap with the models so I eliminate duplicates outside of Portfolio123 and then run the portfolio of 50 from an Inlist. The end result are 50 unique stocks. I’ve looked at using momentum and many other technical factors but have not found them to be as predictive as the fundamental factors. There can be periods when momentum can work but through bull and bear markets fundamentals are much better predictors and produce much more consistent outperformance.

Attached is a chart of my live book that’s held 50 stocks for almost 2.5 years.

ModelChart.xlsx (110 KB)

I only use buy and sell rules so don’t rely on a ranking system. I have not tried PCA. I have not found a ranking system to be a good method for modeling stocks. Higher or lower for variables isn’t always the best approach. By using the buy and sell rules I’m able to identify stocks with combinations of variables that perform well. This gives me a lot more control than I would have with a ranking system. I think it’s very easy to overfit using a ranking system and therefore to get poor out of sample performance. As I mentioned before my goal is consistent outperformance so it’s important for me to see how the model performs over time with the addition of each variable. Variable selection is very important. There are many variables that don’t work and should not be included.


Thank you. Could not agree more.



Thanks Erik for the insight. Very interesting to see the various approaches that people take.