Massive short squeeze in GME, does short interest still work?

It’s time to take out sentiment from ranking systems?

There are thoughts that SLV as a target has been “planted” by someone with vested interest in it going up.
Citadel group is apparently a major owner of it and would benefit from a price pump.

What’s the role of buybacks in the GME saga? The total number of shares outstanding has dropped from about 100 mill to about 60 mill over the last 1,5 years. In the same period the number of shares shorted has not really changed much (staying at about 60 mill). It sorta looks like the very high short percentage is caused mostly by GME buybacks, and not really overly aggressive short sellers.

(I’m not 100% sure about the total volume of buybacks since is down at the moment).

If a borrowed stock is sold and the broker doesn’t have the stock in inventory then the broker has an obligation to liquidate the short position. The individual doing the shorting needs to be aware that the short position can disappear at any time.

I might have been wrong about the buybacks, using the “Shares Outstanding” in the Balance sheet panel shows the number of shares being around 65 mill every year back to 2016, but using the sharesCur()- or shares() function in a screen shows a large increase in the number of shares as recently as 2019. I don’t understand why the numbers are different.

P123 - test_user is right. there is a problem with the panel - Annual Balance Sheet. It appears to be displaying quarters not annual, at least for the common shares.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. You’re right: the panel Balance Sheet was using quarterly instead of annual share counts. It has now been fixed.

They were crushed by Wall St. The WSB people.