Is it just P123 members having such a large impact or is it EVERYONE who uses FactSet data? How would we know from this one example?
In this example it was not just the large number of Monday trades done at P123 but also a coincidence in the FactSet data only becoming available over the weekend. What if the FactSet data for a different stock became available on a Tuesday? How would that effect this discussion?
I am not sure I am going to make a big change in my trading practices based on this one example.
The only clear takeaway from this, I believe, is that it would pay to upload earrings reports into ChatGPT on the day of the earnings release as Pitmaster alludes to in his post above. People might have sold Friday if ChatGPT has any predictive power at all. This post suggest that ChatGPT might indeed have some predictive power: Core Earnings LLM model
I wonder if an alert at rebalance that there is a recent earnings release for a ticker and even a link to the PDF of the earrings release for a member to upload into their favorite LLM would be a consideration, in addition to what has already been discussed.