Stopping Eval(GainPct)

I’m using some profit taking SELL rules in some simulations based on:

But as long as the stock has reached +50% gain, it will sell at every rebalance date, is there a way to stop Eval(GainPct), I was trying to use Eval in combination with LastSellDaysLT(days), but it seems that the later is only a BUY rule.

Adding a screenshot of an unstoppable Eval(GainPct > 50, 0.05 , 0) sell rule.
Any ideas? thanks!!

You could add Weight like this: Eval(GainPct > 50 and Weight>8, 0.25, 0)
Set the Weight and amount to sell based on your preference.

Use weight? Below sells 1/3 if weight over 10%

Eval(Weight > 10, 0.33 , 0)

Setting Sizing Method to “Formula Weight” can also be used to trim/upsize position

Got it, thanks @danp & @marco