WTF!!! We're doomed.


You would be wise to no longer respond to anything Steve posts.


You would be wise to no longer respond to anything Konstantin posts.

Any farther responses by either of you to the other will continue to negatively affect member’s opinions of you.
This is the fourth thread your arguments has ruined. The rest of us are getting sick and tired of the dribble.
Neither of you are winning. You are both loosing needed public opinion.

Dear All,

I will try to make this post constructive.

First of all my apologies to everyone including Steve for any personalities to Steve address. I am sure we both clearly understand general points of each other, I even proposed to “agree to disagree” (greetings to Andreas) but somehow situation came out of control and probably we ended up collecting bonuses and ruin our reputations (agree with Denny).

The same time I do disagree with Denny and others thinking there are nothing valuable in our discussion with Steve. I think this is obvious that topics became hot not only because of personalities, I do believe this was secondary. This could be because we are to some extent behind the different barricades (investor vs. designer) and it is naturally we have tensions. Nevertheless agree this still should be polite and if we can’t managed this way we probably should agree to follow suggestion to make this communication personal.

Our first communication occurred by personal e-mail and there were nothing like on the forum, so Steve do know my address and I do know his. But still we don’t use e-mail. Steve asked me to contact him by e-mail the second time and this time in Russian :slight_smile: Quite OK translation. But I really have no problems with Steve. My questions was not personal, but general from investors to designers. I was talking to all the community. And still I insist we had a lot of good (yes sometimes rude) discussions with Steve. There were a topics and an arguments from both sides I do believe for good to community.

Steve, I will not contact you personally because… there is just nothing personal. Can we manage and promise to be polite in our discussions? I do not know, but Denny’s proposal looks reasonable so I will try.

Thank you all. Миру мир! Try translate this :slight_smile: