Former lawyer (criminal, landlord-tenant, partnership). Switched to finance in 1980.
Former Analyst, Editor, Assistant Research Director at Value Line; also managed a junk-bond mutual fund during the Drexel era (Micheal Milken’s cousin, the ex dentist who needed a better paying job, was the salesman who covered our account). Was the first analyst anywhere to initiate regular coverage of Berkshire Hathaway back in the late 1990s.
Moved to dot-com in 1998 at Market Guide, which was swallowed by Multex and later by Reuters and later by Thomson. (Phew . . .) Expanded heavily on the screening work I started doing at Value Line and while at Multex-Reuters, published two books (Screening the Market, The Value Connection). Joined Portfolio123 in mid 2008 and worked on many site enhancements since then, and developed lots of educational material. Started sharing time between Portfolio123 and Chaikin Analytics in the summer of 2018, and am now full time with Chaikin as Research Director. Still in touch with P123 as the Registered Advisor associated with the Advisory Operation and am involved in current efforts to get an Advsory operation off the ground — to early to discuss details.
Investment Style
Eclectic (I’m big on stylistic diversification) with a general leaning toward fundamentals and value (actually, a lot toward value). I’m probably more willing to take on historic (i.e. visible via backtesting) risk such as beta, standard deviation and drawdown because because I believe such backward-looking metrics contain a lot more randomness than they are given credit for and prefer to manage risk by modeling for companies with particular fundamental personalities.