As I mentioned in an earlier post (see “what forum to use (if any) for documenting my different trials”), I am new to Portfolio123. In subsequent posts I will document my exploration of Portfolio123, especially the Core Combination ranking system. For those of you who are only interested in the results of my tests, you can skip this post. For those who are a glutton for punishment, you can read this post and shake your head in amusement or pity.
I first learned of Portfolio123 from reading Paul Novell’s blog “”. (For other newbies like me, your time would be well spent readiing his blog from the beginning in Sep 2010 to now.) I decided to take the plunge with Portfolio123 last March and signed up on the forum. It was part of a evaluation I planned to make on behalf of some investing / trading friends of mine of the different investment / trading platforms that offered backtesting for different investing / trading strategies. I wanted it to be mathematically based and thus objective, and not based on subjective judgment such as charting, as CANSLIM’s method of buying stocks using the “cup-and-handle” chart pattern. I was interested in testing Richard Dennis’s / Michael Covel’s “Trending Following” methods, such as Donchian Channel breakouts, etc. I was curious as whether using stop losses (either point of entry or trailing) protected profits better than not using them, reading numerous times from the different traders to “cut losses quickly and let winners run”.
Thus I wanted to focus primarily on trading systems. I was not interested in day trading, but investing / trading on longer time frames (over several days, weeks, or months at a time). I had in mind trying out platforms such as the ones mentioned in the article “7 Best Stock Backtesting Software For Trading Strategies 2021”, Because Paul Novell liked Portfolio123 so well, I made a point of including it in with the others. I decided to tackle it first, and signed up in late March 2022.
What a surprise it has turned out to be! It is nothing like I expected. I spent at least a week being completely lost, trying to figure out things. Early on I naively tried to implement a test for trading Donchian channel breakouts, but soon gave up. Later when I found out that P123 doesn’t (easily?) handle investing / trading around the different trading days of the month, I almost said “good riddance”, as a number of investing / trading methods I wanted to backtest was based on the trading days of the month. I decided to stick it out, though, because there seemed to be tremendous power in the tool, even if it could not (easily?) test investing / trading methods based on the days of the month.
I have been reading everything on the web site I can find to try to make sense of the service. MANY years ago I remember learning that many people’s careers go through 4 phases: (1) panic – “Oh my god, I can’t do this! I’m an imposter and everyone will see.” (2) challenge - “I CAN learn this!” (3) competence - “I’ve got this!”, (4) boredom - “I am so tired of this, it’s time to do something new.” Only recently have I started to exit the panic phase and started into the challenge phase. I still get frustrated with not knowing how to do things, but I am hanging in there.
If anyone else can recommend anything, either on this web site or somewhere else, like a “Portfolio123 for Dummies” book, to help better understand how to use the site, I am quite interested.
My next post will begin documenting what I have learned, starting with the Core Combination.