Affiliate program relaunched

We’ve relaunched our affiliate program. If you publish articles, have a blog, run a website, write a newsletter, or run another subscription service (like a YouTube channel), you should apply to become a Portfolio123 affiliate. As an affiliate, you will get 30% commission (for one year; 15% the second year) on the plans of any users (up to $1800 per client, and after credit-card fees) that you refer to us. Some users have earned quite a bit this way. The application is easy. Also your new users will get a longer trial period than most new users.

To apply, go to or click your picture, then “Account Settings,” then “Referral / Affiliate Program.”

Thanks for the update Yuval. Can you clarify what is being re-launched? I’ve been using the affiliate link in my pieces for some time, has anything changed?


You’re not actually an affiliate. You’ve been using the referral share feature. We’d love for you to apply. You’ll get a bigger cut that way.

To clarify: we have two programs for users to get paid for bringing in new subscribers. The affiliate program is for users who publish regularly; the referral program is for users who simply want to tell a few friends and family members.

Yuval, odd you mention this - I’ve been using the referral/affiliate link for a few years. When I started, I was getting decent sign-ups and paying users, however in the last year or so all sign-ups went to the free program only (i.e. no referral bonus). Not sure if this is related, but will use the affiliate program going forward.


That’s terrific, good to know. With respect to publishing/affiliate program is there some way to embed charts beyond the one on the Summary page, e.g., those on the Charts page such as the drawdown chart or the return % chart with varying start/end dates? Would the API or Data Miner include instructions on how to do so? Thanks.

Currently, I’m afraid not. You’d have to use screenshots to publish these.

Do I have to have a website and/or some official channel to be an affiliate?

Yes, that’s right. If you’re just recommending P123 to friends and family, then you should use our referral program. Go to Account Settings, then the Referral / Affiliate Program tab.