$288 per year to let AI develop a strategy and implement it with fully automated trading. Anything to be learned from Composer to be brought back to P123? Composer
Free 14 day trial and $24 per month “cancel anytime” to see.
Youtube Video by the developer who claims to know exactly zero Python (claims to be a poet): Youtube Video
So I will probably try Composer at some point at that price (maybe free if I can decide in 14 days). I will not be leaving P123 but I do think that at the right price AI integration is a no-brainer.
It might be useful to automatically trade stocks selected with the P123 platform using technical indicators–especially for those who rebalance on a Monday and buy during the entire week. The price would make that feasible if it could automate what you wanted. No commission unlike IB.
For those who use Portfolio Visualizer you could probably do something like rebalance your ETFs by inverse volatility monthly (that specific algorithm was mentioned in a video).
I don’t see anything interesting for advanced users.
The chat bot suggest to hedge AI stocks exposure with GLD and TLT… really smart
From the other side, this should be prohibited to recommend investment opportunities if you do not have investment license. AI chat bots may cause real harm if people follow some AI’s risky investment advices.
So not for advanced users. Let me just stipulate that. Full stop. But this puzzles me:
So is P123 looking for advanced users going forward? If not advanced users (or not exclusively advanced users) then the question would become: Would it attract some of the 99% who are not advanced users?
I won’t discuss the legalities or the general public’s feelings about AI here. Or the marketability of an integrated AI. That is for someone else.
I will note P123 has already attracted you and me to the platform, and for sure, I am not leaving. P123 has real value for me and I am not questioning that. So it may not be a question of keeping advanced (and not so advanced in my case) users. In my case, I am not sure that I care what web site I talk to ChatGPT on or what P123 does with this. So my personal feeling about or uses for AI may not be something Marco needs to consider. In fact, it isn’t something he needs to consider.
Also: AI boom or bust? Time will tell. But if you want my reaction here it is: OMG!!! Not that I like WALL-E myself or that this is all good as this resonates with the Matrix for me (Meta’s virtual reality already possessing more GPUs than any other computer system). Link provided by James that shows Meta has more GPU’s than anyone else by far (21,400). Virtual reality…….hm, that used to mean books? No, Virtual Reality was not a term until 1987 (coined by Jaron Lanier) back when I owned the original Macintosh. Things are happening fast now and I intend to keep up until I can’t.