API Rank Subsctiption requirements

Exactly what subscription is needed in order to get results for tickers other than IBM and MSFT in the API rank_ranks?

The API help page here:
says a research subscription is needed and points to this page for more info, which does not mention research at all:

Is it safe to assume I have a “research sub” since I have an API key and an Ultimate Subscription?

If I try any ticker other than IBM, MSFT, or INTC, I get no results.


The API call for ranks should work, but some of the API calls require a data license.

Yes, you are right. I figured it out. Was an ID-10-T error. Works now.

Yes, the Ultimate subscription is one of the Research subscriptions.

The Data operation is limited to IBM, MSFT, or INTC unless you have a vendor data license. That is a additional license that is purchased from the vendor (Factset or S&P).

The DataUniverse and Ranks operations allow you to retrieve all data if you have the vendor data license. If you do not have the vendor data license, then you cannot retrieve actual factor values (ROI%TTM for example). But you can retrieve derived data like the FRank or Zscore for ROI%TTM. You can also retrieve factors and formulas that are created from price data like Close, Rel%Chg, technical factors, etc.