QuantScale is pretty good. Or perhaps “Inefficient Markets.com” or “Weighing Machine”.
This is pretty strong indictment of how bad it is. 
I have had the same experience as Judge Trade - I’ll be telling people I do ‘various strategies’ and I ‘mine the data’ and test it for ‘robustness’ and ‘figure out what worked in the past’ and they are fascinated and then I say “P123” and their face goes ‘limpid’, ‘flaccid’ and they seem to begin to think their guy at Stifel, or Morgan, or Merrill, of Fidelity must be up to the same thing when, in my experience, they are likely morons who used to sniff glue in grade school.
Abacus is a cool name. Nano Abacus… not so much.
I think most P123 users are highly technical people - and I think designing your own strategy even if it is simple would most appeal to micro manager types - the dentists, the doctors, the engineers. Perhaps, a name that references physics somehow would be good. I’m guessing a lot of users liked ‘the green box’. Something Physics -y or Geometry -y.
I couldn’t disagree with this more. I think the lesson to be learned is that P123 has a few hundred users or a few thousand, while Fidelity and Morgan Stanley are directing trillions of assets using inefficient, interest mis-aligned, cap weighting and the slickness of their brand - Not even bothering to screen out companies with enormous debt and no profits. I’ve never had a friend respond, “oh, I want to own companies with no profits and enormous debts”. Even friends who are doing the Bogle. Why is that not selling better for P123?
I focus on the name because I think P123 doesn’t much need improvement on the data side of things. Usability is good. I think it’s just about as easy as it can or should be. If you really want to lower the bar then gving the “one to five click user” what he wants is the way to go - that would be P123 Advisor (with a slicker name). Just do it all for them. That is the mass market.
The new pricing terms are very good. If you can get the watchlist crowd coming to P123 everyday because it’s free, then very gradually they will learn the research language. That, I think, is a stroke of genius. Be better than Yahoo finance and the new horrible google finance. Get people checking their watchlists and looking up PE ttm ratios for free and gradually they’ll get curious about doing things better.
P123 really needs cursors that move up and down charts and which read out the ratios and prices at the cursor. You need to catch yahoo finance, google finance, and y charts on that. CME has spectacular moving charts. Those might be a little overboard though.
A cursor that ‘rides’ the chart is best. The magnet cursor.
There has to be some javascript package for cursors following lines and reading out y values. The mass market loves little things that bounce and move. ‘Poofs’ when things are deleted from watchlists. The new backtest completion bar is good. More satisfying than %s.
“Scrooge and Marley” would be a great name, albeit a little playful.