Bulk Download of Ranking Systems To Save Off System

Do to the recent change in resource usage limits I am looking to download a number of my ranking systems to store off system. Is there a way to do this in "bulk" (using the API or Dataminer possibly?). This would save me a great deal of time.




There is an undocumented endpoint GET /rank/{id}/nodes which can be used to fetch the ranking system as XML. Currently, it must be requested with the header Content-Type: text/plain. It's not implemented on p123api-py or DataMiner. Let me know if you still need assistance performing the bulk export.

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Thanks! I'll circle back if I have any trouble.

Is there a way to get a list of an account's rankIDs from the API system, or just to get a bulk list from the website somehow? Alternatively is there a way to lookup a Ranking Systems rankID using its Name?



I could provide a spreadsheet by email if that works for you. That would probably be the fastest way to do it. dnevin123 is the only account involved, correct?

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That would a nice feature to have for all users. P123 already has the group select, add download along side delete and there you go.

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that is correct. thanks!


Do Strategies and Books have an internal XML representation that could be similarly downloaded?



No, there's no equivalent for strategies or books.