Cannot manually add a split

I am trying to manually add a split for PANW that occurred on Sep 13, 2022 (I accidentally deleted it when cleaning up some incorrect transactions). However, I don’t seem to be able to add it. I am getting the following error message: “ERROR: Error in resolving ticker”.

I have tried PANW, and PANW:USA, but neither work. Please can you advise?

Note: if this is a format issue, it would help if there was a drop down box like for a manual “SELL” based upon the the holdings on the entered transaction date.


Where is the issue? In a Strategy under Research or in an Account in the Manage section ?

I think there’s a to-do somewhere to just allow users to add any transaction, like a dividend.

This issue should be resolved now, thank you for your patience.

Confirming it is fixed. Thanks!