Do GapUp and GapDown work?

I have 3 tickers (SMCI, CELH, DOCS) that had significant gaps in price this past week (8/8/23 to 8/9/23). Each of these symbols gapped more than 20% up or down from 8/8 to 8/9. However, I don’t see GapUp or GapDown evaluating to True/False as I expect.

ShowVar(@GapUp, GapUp(15,0,90,0)=TRUE) // gap up last 90d
ShowVar(@GapDown, GapDown(15,0,90,0)=TRUE) //gap down last 90 days

I simplified the issue to a public screener that I think illustrates the problem. Please let me know if it’s user error.

Screener - Portfolio123

See GapUp compares the day’s low to the previous bar’s high and GapDown compares the day’s high to the previous day’s low. Close prices are irrelevant. SMCI’s gap down, for example, was less than 15% if you compare the high on 8/9 to the low on 8/8, and CELH’s gap up was less than 15% too.

Gap ups are Hi to Low, gap downs are Low to Hi

Add this rule to see the actual values in your screen


Thanks. Granted, I misunderstood the documentation, but does the problem still exist? I added the rules to see the actual values on the screen.

CELH’s gap down was 25.45…shouldn’t that have turned GapDown true for the formula: GapDown( On my screen, it evaluates to False.

CELH gapped up

Thanks, I see now what I was misunderstanding!