Epsstableq - SILV:USA or :CAN

Hi, I was looking at EPSStableQ for SILV:USA (or SIL:CAN) and it seems to show n/a since May 2021. After looking at the description I tried LoopRelStdDev("EPSExclXor(CTR, QTR)",20)/100 and it had a current and past filled in values. Can you take a look to see if it can be updated? Thanks!

Hi. The Reference says "When there are no NAs EPSStableQ is equivalent to: LoopRelStdDev("EPSExclXor(CTR, QTR)",20)/100". That part about no NAs is important. If a stocks doesn't have at least 16 non-NA values then it returns NA. SIL only has 12.

We didn't put all the code in the Reference because it is complicated. If you wanted to replicate it in the screener, you would use the code below. But even this is a simple version since it doesn't handle semi-annual companies.

InterimMonths(0)=3  //quarterly companies
Showvar(@EPSStable_calc, LoopStdDev("EPSExclXor(CTR,QTR,KEEPNA)",20,0,1,0,1) / abs(LoopAvg("EPSExclXor(CTR,QTR,KEEPNA)",20,0,1,0,1)))
showvar(@count, LoopSum("Eval(EPSExclXor(CTR, QTR, KEEPNA) != NA, 1, NA)", 20, 0, 1, 0, 1))
Showvar(@EPSStable_calc, EVAL(@count >= 16, @EPSStable_calc, NA))
@EPSStableQ:EPSStableQ or 1

You could create a version of EPSStableQ that requires only 12 data points instead of 16. Then you would get a value for SIL. But remember that this will only work for companies that report quarterly:

Showvar(@EPSStable12_calc, EVAL(LoopSum("Eval(EPSExclXor(CTR, QTR, KEEPNA) != NA, 1, NA)", 20, 0, 1, 0, 1) >= 12, LoopStdDev("EPSExclXor(CTR, QTR, KEEPNA)",20,0,1,0,1) / abs(LoopAvg("EPSExclXor(CTR, QTR, KEEPNA)",20,0,1,0,1)), NA))
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Ok, thanks for that. A better question is why are those quarters NA? Can those get filled in? On the fundamental chart, EPSExclXorQ shows a continuous series of data, though EPSExclXorTTM shows a break in the data. I think the data should be there.

The 2020 q4 fundamental data is missing in the FactSet database. I opened a ticket with FactSet to see if there is a reason they do not have that data.

FactSet gave a response regarding SILV. They are unable to populate the data for Q4 2020. "SilverCrest Metals, Inc. (SILV-US) reported a change in presentation Currency from CAD dollars until 09/2020 quarterly reports to USD dollars from the 12/2020 Annual report. The company has not reported Quarter 4 - 12/2020 data in the Annual report and we cannot estimate the Quarter 4 data due to a change in presentation currency from Q3 - 09/2020 to Annual - 12/2020."