Hi Marco,
I’ve looked through all my recent emails from “info@portfolio123.com” and can’t see it. Not in the spam folder either. Oh well, as long as everyone else got it.
Hi Marco,
I’ve looked through all my recent emails from “info@portfolio123.com” and can’t see it. Not in the spam folder either. Oh well, as long as everyone else got it.
It was part of a P123 status update email on new programs and initiatives.
Make sure you allow Newsletters from P123 in your account settings.
I have received the email yesterday so I can confirm they went out.
The progress so far has not been good enough. Now is already 14 November. With 17 days left, the fund pledged so far is only $56,125, still far below the $150,000 goal.
Regarding the pledges, the terms say that:
“If the goal is reached, your pledge credit will only be usable towards the European data portion of a Portfolio123 subscription.”
But it also says that:
“Your pledge remains locked until the end of Q2 2018. You will then be able to use your pledge (plus an additional 25% credit) towards European data subscriptions if they are available. Otherwise you will be able to use it for any P123 membership.”
This implies that pledges can be used for standard memberships for US data as well. Can you please clarify?
To everyone.
Yes, we are still a bit short. I pledged USD 3k. I upped the amount by 50% a few days ago. May I ask everyone to add another 50-100% each so we are a bit closer to the goal. If we are somewhat closer to USD 100k, I assume P123 may still realize this fantastic project. I have talked to many potential users here in Switzerland and Europe and the reason they have not yet joined is that most prefer to invest more locally/want EU data, so there will be definitely more subscribers just because of European data.
Let’s do all we can to realize this project.
I agree entirely.
All my cash assets are in the UK. I live in Europe. My stock investments are predominantly in the US but I don’t want them to be. I want most of my investments to be both where I have my money and where I spend it. The only reason I invest in the US is P123.
I haven’t the least doubt that, effectively marketed at a sensible price, P123 will succeed in the European area. Why? - simply because of the huge benefits it offers and there being NOTHING here to compete with it. Stockopedia, Sharescope/pad and the like are excellent products (and a lot cheaper than P123) but they cannot do what P123 does.
I’m happy to commit to subscribing to European data but I imagine the majority of P123 subscribers are in North America, generally happy with the service they have and unlikely to go overboard at the idea of shelling out $$$ to fund P123’s diversification into Europe.
It is P123 that ought to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’. This is a fantastic business opportunity but the potential customers are in the UK, Germany, France, Switzerland etc. and not on the present customer list. It seems to me both unrealistic and unreasonable to expect the small number of current European customers to fund this project.
Yes, I agree.
It seems a bit like the “chicken and egg” dilemma. No European data, no European investors. No European investors, no European data. This impass can only be broken by P123 to unequivocally commit to European data. As Steve said, there is NO service like this in Europe at all. Not even close. So there is this tremendous business opportunity.
I have pledged my share and will commit more to reach that goal faster.
I have no doubt that many more people in Europe would subscribe if they were aware of what P123 can do, and they don’t even know that this fund raising event is happening. Its only a small minority of Europeans that are interested in trading US shares, so that severely limits the number of people that are on the current mailing list.
I don’t know if this large target total is a reflection of the amount S&P are demanding for the data, or P123’s reluctance to take a business risk.
If the total isn’t reached, I suppose the field will be left free for Stockopedia to grab the subscribers. Apparently they’re working on an improved version of their platform.
Perhaps P123 could consider an extra incentive to those willing to pledge a larger amount. As it stands,
the return on the pledge is a credit to be used against future subscriptions. But how many years ahead is it reasonable to expect someone to pay? one, or maybe two at a push. This works as a cap on the amount pledged.
To clarify if we do commit…Pledges an incentives can only be used towards european data unless we do not deliver by end of Q2, in which case you can use it towards any p123 memberships.
If we cannot make a deal for historical data, there might also a possibility to do Europe with only current data. no backtesting. We should know something soon.
Or for a start just ETF data, that should not be too expensive and it would get P123-Europe going.
Just 37% of the way there. I suspect the easy money is in already. Doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.
I have not pledged money yet because this question has not been answered: The statements below seem to say that if I pledge and P123 is unable to launch for some reason, then I cannot use my pledge $ for my current (legacy) Gold membership for US data because that is not an ‘active’ membership type. So then the only way to use my pledged money in that case would be to upgrade to the more expensive Designer level. Is this true?
“We anticipate that Phase 1 of European data will be made available by Q2 of 2018. If we are unable to launch by that date, you may use your pledge credit towards any P123 membership.
Pledges can only be used for active P123 membership levels available for your user type (e.g. Professional, Individual, etc.).”
Screening current data without backtesting would still be useful to me. Could be a good first step to attract more European subscribers
Disagree I’m afraid.
There’s lots of really good European data in the market at prices much lower than P123. Just look at Stockopedia. The one thing that none of them can offer is backtesting.
Without backtesting P123 might as well not bother. With it (at a sensible price) P123 should corner the market.
May I suggest the ‘pledge’ period be extended while this is firmly established with the option to withdraw if the full works cannot be provided.
I, for one, am not at all happy to commit large amounts of money to end up with current data without backtesting.
Will P123 please confirm that the terms of the ‘pledge’ create an obligation to subscribe only to a full service.
Stockopedia can’t do multi-factor ranking AFAIK.
I think you’re right. P123 puts them all in the shade but for model development historic data/backtesting is imperative.
Dan, any active membership or the one you are on. That’s if we don’t deliver the goods.
All, the coverage says “you can expect to have access to at least 15 years”, so no, we would not charge without consent if the deal changes.