Exclude EPS=NA in latest quarterly filing

Hi friends,

I would like to exclude company with actual eps = NA in the latest quarterly filing

I tried these :

But the result still come with company with NA in their actual report

Try ActualQ(#EPS) != NA

See https://www.portfolio123.com/doc/doc_detail.jsp?factor=Actual. I think this is what you're looking for from your description. But the words "actual EPS" can mean different things. You could also try HistQ1EPSActual != NA. For that, see https://www.portfolio123.com/doc/doc_detail.jsp?factor=EPSActual

Thank you Yuval, both work the same as intended!

Btw without creating a new thread, I tried these 2 factors

do you know why
EPSExclXor(0,qtr,zerona)>EPSExclXor(1,qtr,zerona)>EPSExclXor(2,qtr,zerona) (2347 tickers)

have more results than

EPSExclXor(0,qtr,zerona)>EPSExclXor(1,qtr,zerona) (2014 tickers) ?

It is supposed to be narrower (less tickers) right? I'm asking because it yield better result in backtest but I dont know the logic behind it

But if I separate it like this

It did result as intended (less tickers count) but perform worse in backtest

Thanks again!

I think the code treats the second inequality as a yes-or-no question whose answer is either 1 (yes) or 0 (no). The first inequality would then become EPS > 0 or EPS > 1, depending on the answer to the second inequality. Which is definitely not what you want. Instead of X > Y > Z, you should write X > Y and Y > Z.