Function NodeRank to be deprecated from rules

Dear All,

We are deprecating the function NodeRank(“nodename”) that allows you to access the rank of a composite node within the main ranking system of a simulation/screen (it will still be available inside a ranking system itself)

We decided to deprecate this to simplify the ranking engines in anticipation of our new version that will allow intraweek (daily) re-ranking. Not many of you use this function. You can work around this by creating a separate ranking system and using the Rating(“systemname”) function instead.


Marco, Can someone change the documentation to reflect what you said in 2012 please. I spent some time trying to get NodeRank to work in a Sell rule only to find this thread from the archives.

David, noderank does not appear in the sell rule reference. Do you get an error when you try to use it?

Hi, that is correct, it is not in the sell rule reference.
I agree that I should have checked that first - I just started instantiating it because the Help description alludes to its use for Buy/Sell rules. The Help Description is what needs to be updated. Believe it or not, some of us actually read it :slight_smile: