Import from Clipboard or File?

I can't get this to work under AI Factors->Dataset->Import.

I'm on OSX + Firefox.

Can we support CSV files for import?

Seems the part where it says the name is optional is not working. I'll log a bug for that. It will work if you put both the name and formula (BeneishMScore for both in this case) in Excel and then copy, paste that into this page. Copying from Excel will automatically separate the fields with a tab.

You can also import tab delimited text files but they currently need both the name and formula. Tag is optional. The problem with comma delimited files is the name field can contain commas.

Ok, kinda works. When I type BeneishMScore BeneishMScore within the Firefox edit window, the tab doesn't get recorded. The cursor doesn't move and any subsequent edits report a format error.

I had to go to my terminal and type;
echo "BeneishMScore\tBeneishMScore"

And then copy/paste the output. That worked.

If you try to type TAB in the field, the cursor focus jumps to the next field (the Cancel button). I'll see if Dev can override the standard TAB behavior and get it to place the tab in the text. The main use for this is for importing a list of formulas from a spreadsheet, another ai factor or factor list. If you are going to type them in, then really no point in using this import page instead of the Reference.

I was typing to test input. My final product will be in a file.

Hi Walter,
Aaron pointed out to me that it is currently working as intended. You and I both assumed that you could use a list of formulas, but the way it works is that each formula still needs to have a tab before it so that it knows the name field is empty and the field entered is the formula.

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Understood. Thanks for the follow-up, Dan.

It should work "as expected" by the user not "as intended" by the engineers.

We'll fix it so it's smarter. Sorry about this.

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