My real crappy ML code

I have now tried to code my own ML code to test it on the dataset from p123, and then run the predictions on the stocks in the screen backtest (FRANK("$$130624firstml",#Previous,#DESC) > 99.5)

The results were completely dismal:

I can't understand why it's so terrible.

I am sharing everything here in case anyone has any input on whether I am making a mistake:

  • Load and Preprocess Data:
  • Load CSV data using Dask, which allows handling large datasets efficiently.
  • Set the 'Date' column as the index and check for the presence of the 'Ticker' column.
  • Drop rows with missing values to ensure data integrity.
  • Identify categorical columns and use LabelEncoder for those with fewer unique values.
  • Apply one-hot encoding to remaining categorical columns to convert them to numeric.
  • Ensure all data columns are numeric, dropping any that are not after preprocessing.
  • Split Data:
  • Use a sliding window approach to split the data into training, validation, and test sets.
  • Each window includes a period for training/validation and a subsequent period for testing.
  • Maintain the 'Ticker' information for each set to track which stocks are being predicted.
  • Split the target column (e.g., '1 Day Returns') from the features for model training.
  • Train Models:
  • Define three models: RandomForestRegressor, ExtraTreesRegressor, and XGBRegressor.
  • Train each model on the training data, ensuring they learn patterns from historical stock prices.
  • Save the trained models using joblib for later use, reducing the need for retraining.
  • Evaluate Models:
  • Evaluate each trained model on the validation set using Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
  • Compare the RMSE scores to determine which model performs best on unseen data.
  • Select the model with the lowest RMSE as the best-performing model for making predictions.
  • Recommend Stocks:
  • Use the best-performing model to predict stock prices on the test set.
  • Generate stock recommendations based on the predicted future prices.
  • If the model provides feature importance, include this information in the recommendations to explain which features are most influential.
  • Report Results:
  • Save the model's predictions to a CSV file, including the date, ticker, and predicted value.
  • Ensure the CSV report is properly formatted and saved to the specified file path.
  • Main Execution:
  • Ask the user whether to use existing trained models or train new ones.
  • Load existing models if available, otherwise, train new models.
  • Execute the entire workflow, from loading data to generating stock recommendations and saving the results, based on user input.
  • Here is the Python code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, ExtraTreesRegressor
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, TimeSeriesSplit
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score, mean_squared_error
import joblib
import os
import csv
import logging
from tabulate import tabulate

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

def load_and_preprocess_data(file_path):"Laster inn data...")
    data = dd.read_csv(file_path, parse_dates=['Date']).set_index('Date')"Antall rader før forbehandling: {len(data)}")"Antall kolonner før forbehandling: {len(data.columns)}")"Kolonner før forbehandling: {data.columns}")

    if 'Ticker' not in data.columns:
        raise KeyError("Kolonnen 'Ticker' finnes ikke i den opprinnelige datasettet.")
    tickers = data['Ticker']  # Bevar 'Ticker' kolonnen
    data = data.dropna()  # Rense dataene for manglende verdier"Antall rader etter å ha droppet manglende verdier: {len(data)}")"Antall kolonner etter å ha droppet manglende verdier: {len(data.columns)}")"Kolonner etter å ha droppet manglende verdier: {data.columns}")

    # Identifisere kategoriske kolonner
    categorical_columns = data.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns"Identifiserte kategoriske kolonner: {categorical_columns}")"Antall unike verdier i kategoriske kolonner: {[data[col].nunique().compute() for col in categorical_columns]}")

    # Bruk LabelEncoder for å konvertere kategoriske kolonner med få unike verdier
    for col in categorical_columns:
        if data[col].nunique().compute() < 100:
            le = LabelEncoder()
            data[col] = data[col].map_partitions(lambda s: pd.Series(le.fit_transform(s)))"Kolonner etter LabelEncoding: {data.columns}")

    # Bruk pd.get_dummies for de gjenværende kategoriske kolonnene
    data = data.map_partitions(pd.get_dummies, columns=[col for col in categorical_columns if data[col].dtype == 'object'])"Kolonner etter pd.get_dummies: {data.columns}")

    data = data.compute()  # Konverter Dask DataFrame til Pandas DataFrame
    data = data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')  # Konverterer til numeriske verdier"Kolonner etter konvertering til numeriske verdier: {data.columns}")

    data = data.dropna(axis=1, how='any')  # Fjerner kolonner som inneholder ikke-numeriske verdier"Antall rader etter å ha droppet ikke-numeriske verdier: {len(data)}")"Antall kolonner etter å ha droppet ikke-numeriske verdier: {len(data.columns)}")"Kolonner etter å ha droppet ikke-numeriske verdier: {data.columns}")

    data['Ticker'] = tickers  # Legg tilbake 'Ticker' kolonnen
    data = data.sort_index()

    # Sjekk om Ticker-kolonnen er til stede
    if 'Ticker' not in data.columns:
        raise KeyError("Kolonnen 'Ticker' finnes ikke i datasettet etter forbehandling.")"Startdato i datasettet etter forbehandling: {data.index.min()}")"Sluttdato i datasettet etter forbehandling: {data.index.max()}")
    return data

def split_data(data, target_column, train_size=0.7, val_size=0.2, window_size=5):"Splitter data...")"Startdato i datasettet før splitting: {data.index.min()}")"Sluttdato i datasettet før splitting: {data.index.max()}")

    train_data = []
    val_data = []
    test_data = []
    tickers_test = []

    start_date = data.index.min()
    end_date = data.index.max()
    window_end_date = start_date + pd.DateOffset(years=window_size)

    while window_end_date <= end_date:
        train_val_data = data.loc[start_date:window_end_date]
        test_data_window = data.loc[window_end_date + pd.DateOffset(days=1):window_end_date + pd.DateOffset(years=window_size)]

        train_val_data = train_val_data.iloc[:int(len(train_val_data) * (train_size + val_size))]

        if train_val_data.empty or test_data_window.empty:
            raise ValueError("Trenings-, validerings- eller testsettet er tomt. Sjekk dataens lengde og splitting.")

        train_data_window = train_val_data.iloc[:int(len(train_val_data) * train_size / (train_size + val_size))]
        val_data_window = train_val_data.iloc[int(len(train_val_data) * train_size / (train_size + val_size)):]


        start_date = window_end_date + pd.DateOffset(days=1)
        window_end_date += pd.DateOffset(years=window_size)

    # Ensure the last window includes all remaining data
    if window_end_date > end_date:
        test_data_window = data.loc[window_end_date + pd.DateOffset(days=1):end_date]
        if not test_data_window.empty:

    X_train = [data.drop([target_column, 'Ticker'], axis=1) for data in train_data]
    y_train = [data[target_column] for data in train_data]
    X_val = [data.drop([target_column, 'Ticker'], axis=1) for data in val_data]
    y_val = [data[target_column] for data in val_data]
    X_test = [data.drop([target_column, 'Ticker'], axis=1) for data in test_data]
    y_test = [data[target_column] for data in test_data]

    return X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test, tickers_test

def train_and_save_model(model, X_train, y_train, model_path):"Trener og lagrer modellen: {model_path}"), pd.concat(y_train))
    joblib.dump(model, model_path)

def evaluate_models(models, X_val, y_val):
    best_model = None
    best_score = float('inf')
    best_model_name = ""
    for model in models:
        model_name = type(model).__name__"Evaluating model: {model_name}")
        predictions = model.predict(pd.concat(X_val))
        rmse = mean_squared_error(pd.concat(y_val), predictions, squared=False)"{model_name} RMSE: {rmse}")
        if rmse < best_score:
            best_score = rmse
            best_model = model
            best_model_name = model_name"Best model: {best_model_name} with RMSE: {best_score}")
    return best_model

def recommend_stocks(model, X_test, tickers_test, feature_names, num_recommendations=20):"Starting stock recommendation...")
    latest_data = X_test[-1]
    if latest_data.empty:
        logging.error("Latest data is empty. Cannot proceed with stock recommendation.")
        return pd.DataFrame()
    predictions = model.predict(latest_data)
    data = pd.DataFrame({'Ticker': tickers_test[-1], 'Predictions': predictions})

    # Check if model has feature_importances_
    if hasattr(model, 'feature_importances_'):
        feature_importances = pd.DataFrame(
            [model.feature_importances_ for _ in range(len(data))], columns=feature_names
        data = pd.concat([data.reset_index(drop=True), feature_importances.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1)
        logging.warning("Model does not have feature_importances_ attribute.")
    recommended_stocks = data.sort_values(by='Predictions', ascending=False).head(num_recommendations)"Stock recommendation completed.")
    return recommended_stocks

def display_recommendations(recommended_stocks):"Displaying recommendations...")
    if recommended_stocks.empty:
        logging.error("No recommendations to display.")
    # Sorter featurene etter viktighet for den første tickeren
    first_ticker_features = recommended_stocks.iloc[0, 2:].sort_values(ascending=False)
    # Skriv ut tabellen for den første tickeren
        [['Ticker', recommended_stocks.iloc[0, 0]], ['Predictions', '{:.3f}'.format(recommended_stocks.iloc[0, 1])], ['Top 50 Features', ''], *first_ticker_features.head(50).items()],
        headers=['Feature', 'Importance'], tablefmt="fancy_grid"
    # Skriv ut tickerne for de resterende anbefalte aksjene"\nResterende anbefalte aksjer:")
    for i in range(1, len(recommended_stocks)):"{i}. {recommended_stocks.iloc[i, 0]} ({'{:.3f}'.format(recommended_stocks.iloc[i, 1])})")"Recommendations displayed.")

def print_model_report(model, X_test, y_test, tickers_test, output_file_path):
        output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file_path)
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(output_file_path))

        combined_tickers = []
        combined_dates = []
        combined_predictions = []

        for X, tickers in zip(X_test, tickers_test):
            predictions = model.predict(X)

        with open(output_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
            # Skriv overskrifter til CSV
            writer.writerow(['Date', 'Ticker', 'Value'])
            for date, ticker, prediction in zip(combined_dates, combined_tickers, combined_predictions):
                date_str = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                writer.writerow([date_str, ticker, '{:.3f}'.format(prediction)])"Prediksjoner skrevet til {output_file}")
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"En feil oppstod under skriving av CSV-filen: {e}")

def main():
    file_path = r'C:\\Users\\mywag\\Documents\\YT\\020624RAA.csv'
    model_paths = ['trained_rf_model.pkl', 'trained_et_model.pkl', 'trained_xgb_model.pkl']

    data = load_and_preprocess_data(file_path)"Kolonner i datasettet: {data.columns}")

    target_column = '1 Day Returns'
    if target_column not in data.columns:
        raise KeyError(f"Målkolonnen '{target_column}' finnes ikke i datasettet.")

    # Del dataene før modellvalg
    X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test, tickers_test = split_data(data, target_column, train_size=0.7, val_size=0.2, window_size=5)
    feature_names = X_test[0].columns

    models = [
        RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=10, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, n_jobs=-1),
        ExtraTreesRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=10, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, n_jobs=-1),
        XGBRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=10, min_child_weight=1, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8, objective='reg:squarederror', n_jobs=-1, scale_pos_weight=1, seed=27, reg_alpha=0.00006)

    use_existing_models = input("Vil du bruke tidligere trente modeller? (y/n): ").lower() == 'y'
    trained_models = []

    if use_existing_models:
        for model_path in model_paths:
            if os.path.exists(model_path):
      "Filen {model_path} finnes ikke. Trener en ny modell.")
                model = models[len(trained_models)]
                train_and_save_model(model, X_train, y_train, model_path)
        for i, model in enumerate(models, start=1):
            model_path = model_paths[i-1]
            train_and_save_model(model, X_train, y_train, model_path)

    # Evaluate models and select the best one
    best_model = evaluate_models(trained_models, X_val, y_val)

    # Anbefale aksjer basert på den beste modellen"Anbefalte aksjer:")
    recommended_stocks = recommend_stocks(best_model, X_test, tickers_test, feature_names)

    # Generere og skrive ut rapport
    output_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), 'predictions.csv')
    print_model_report(best_model, X_test, y_test, tickers_test, output_file_path)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Hi Wycliffes,

I did not look at the google file for your recent code. But I looked at "Share Complete Python Code" post, however.

I found this in your code: target_column = 'Price'

2 things:

  1. Did you convert that to returns somewhere? If you did I missed it and I apologize for skimming. Or maybe the column is returns and mislabeled as price.

  2. Assuming you did change that to returns somewhere (and not price) you might consider changing this to relative returns or excess returns. Marco has commented on this too. I will not take the time to find Marco's link but a lot of people use excess returns rather than raw returns.

If you happen to like excess returns relative to the universe here is the code to get a column called 'ExcessReturn' from 'Future 1wkRet'. All of the data about the universe's return is in the DataMiner download and can be extracted to create 'ExcessReturn' with this code,

import pandas as pd

# Read the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('~/Desktop/DataMiner/DM8.csv')

# Ensure that the "Date" column is a datetime object
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])

# Calculate the mean returns for each date
mean_returns = df.groupby('Date')['Future 1wkRet'].mean()

# Subtract the mean returns for each date from the individual returns
df['ExcessReturn'] = df.groupby('Date')['Future 1wkRet'].transform(lambda x: x - x.mean())

# Now, df['ExcessReturn'] contains the excess returns for each ticker and date

I probably missed something and did not find the real problem, but generally your code seems excellent and it was hard to find problems with the code. But equity curve does suggest something basic, affecting everything, might be the problem.


"Thank you, Jrinne,

No, I have definitely done something wrong, but as I understand you, I need to have a separate column in the data I downloaded from download factors, which contains ExcessReturn.

I am unsure of what you mean, please explain in detail how you go about creating this column in your dataset.

Yes, And the code I gave you can do that. Make sure that you use returns and not the actual price also. Use something like future one week excess returns or future one month excess returns as the target, label or "y" in your code.

If you are actually using 'price' as a target or label that will not work to put is simply.

How will your dataminer input look like?

I found some samples under "DataUniverse"

# The DataUniverse operation allows you to retrieve point in time data for a selected universe for a given date range. 
# The script below contains a list of formulas and the output will contain the values for those 
# formulas at 4 week intervals for the 2015-2020 period.  Most of the formulas in the example are
# ranks for different valuation factors. The first two formulas are 'future returns'. For example,
# Future%Chg(21) is the percentage return for the stock over the next 21 bars. This data could be
# used when training an AI system to determine which of the valuation factors predicted the future returns.

    Operation: DataUniverse
    On Error:  Stop # ( [Stop] | Continue )
    Precision: 2 # ( [ 2 ] | 3 | 4 )

    PIT Method: Prelim # Complete | Prelim
    Start Date: 2015-01-01
    End Date: 2020-01-01 # ( [todays date] )
    Frequency: 4weeks # ( [ 1Week ] | 2Weeks | 3Weeks | 4Weeks | 6Weeks | 8Weeks | 13Weeks | 26Weeks | 52Weeks )
    Universe: SP500
    Include Names: false # ( true | [false] )
        - Future21%Chg: Future%Chg(21) #Future total 21 bar return. Used when training an AI system.
        - Future21%ChgVsInd: FutureRel%Chg(21,#Industry) #Future total 21 bar return relative to stocks industry
        # FRank function returns the rank of the stock's fundamental metric vs the same metric for other stocks 
        # in the universe, industry, etc.
        - Pr2Sales Rank: FRank("Pr2SalesTTM",#Industry,#ASC)
        - EarnYield Rank: FRank("EarnYield",#All,#DESC)
        - Pr2FrCashFlQ Rank: FRank("Pr2FrCashFlTTM",#All,#ASC)
        - PEGST Rank: FRank("PEGST",#All,#ASC)
        - Pr2BookQ Rank: FRank("Pr2BookQ",#SubIndustry,#ASC)
        - PEExclXorTTM Rank: FRank("PEExclXorTTM",#All,#ASC)
        - ProjPECurFY Rank: FRank("ProjPECurFY",#All,#ASC)        
        - ProjPENextFY Rank: FRank("ProjPENextFY",#All,#ASC)
# A data license with the data providers we support (Compustat or Factset) is required for this operation 
# in order to return raw fundamental factors. However, you can retrieve most price related data and derived 
# fundamental factor ranks and z-scores without a vendor data license. An example of derived data would be
# the Price to Sales rank vs the other stocks in the stocks industry. Contact us for more details.

One of these is good for a month look ahead:

This one is not excess returns yet:
Future21%Chg: Future%Chg(21) future total 21 bar return. Used when training an AI system.

This one is excess returns (excess to the industry returns). -
Future21%ChgVsInd: FutureRel%Chg(21,#Industry) future total 21 bar return relative to stocks industry

You can also get excess returns relative to other benchmarks. Excess returns relative to the industry sees like a good idea that i have not tried.

There are a lot of options for excess returns available as direct downloads.

But this is the type of label or target you want I believe.


If you are an ultimate member you can probably do it with the beta AI. Try it with some of P123s prebuilt targets then use what you find you like with the API.