Nested Custom Series no longer working with functions in buy/sell rules

Hi P123 Team,

I have a custom series in my buy rules written as “SetVar(@my_series,GetSeries(“ABC”))”, and I use this custom series in a LoopMax function written in another line as “LoopMax(“Close(CTR,@my_series)”,120) >= 10”.

For context, this was a workaround method to nest a custom series inside a loop function.

I haven’t changed any of the parameters or rules in the last week, but when running my simulation today I noticed that I receive an error, saying “Invalid series specified in Close”

Based on the error message I am thinking that the custom series is no longer recognized by the nested function. Would anyone be able to please advise?

Thank you.

Apologies. This was caused by changes relating to Feedback request for series operations and the linked post. It will be corrected before tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, there is no workaround in the meanwhile.

Understood, thank you for your prompt response and looking forward to the fix.