In order to make it easier to use Portfolio123’s commands without resorting to custom formulas to nest expressions containing quotes, we have made it possible for users to use nested quotes within commands by using the backtick key (to the left of 1 on most US keyboards). Simply treat the backtick key as a quote. For example, one could write
LoopStdDev(“Close(CTR, GetSeries(SPY))”, 10)
Double quotation marks and backtick marks need to be nested in alternation, but it doesn’t matter which you use first.
We’re aware that not all possible uses are supported yet. If you find instances where it fails, let us know. But this should streamline the process of writing complicated formulas considerably.
Great news, Yuval. It will surely simplify some expressions like you show in your examples, and also using Frank, Forder.
A question for the dev team: I wonder why it is necessary to change the string delimiter for the nested string and have a limitation of one nested level.
A parser may be recursive enough to cope with multi-level nested strings just like it copes with multi-level nested parentheses.
I did a proprietary language parser almost 30 years ago with Lex and Yacc libraries for a complex banking software. I can’t remember the details, but what was possible at this time should be easy now.
This is not a request, your new feature is great and enough for what I do in P123, but looking into this may help you make the code more versatile and have lower costs of maintenance and evolutions. I know from experience hard-coded parsers are a mess…