New user facing Portfolio123 Product Roadmap is now up


Our new P123 Product Roadmap board is now live. We will keep this updated to show the ongoing & planned projects, recently completed and possible future ones. Only major projects are listed.

The board is hosted on Trello. To make comments , get notifications, or show your support for a project you will need to signup on Trello - which btw was acquired by Atlassian (TEAM).

You will find it here

There are also links to it from Learn & Connect → SUPPORT, and from the Feature Request page

Hope you enjoy.

PS. Sorry about not having this sooner.

Some descriptions are pretty skimpy and we’re still working on them . If you need more info about a project ask here and we will add it.

“We are also adding support for multi country/region starting universes. This will allow you to screen/rank as a whole which opens up interesting possibilities.”

Very cool! :slight_smile:

Thank you Marco for adding this. It’s extremely helpful.

But can you please add start dates, expected end dates, and developments in between. Some of these initiatives have been in the works for years, literally.

Great !!!

I can’t wait to screen European & Asian stocks !!!