NFCI data

Good evening,

I’m always looking for new timing indicators for when to be in/out of the market. QS shows this backtest for SPY with the simple rules. Results are pretty good as shown in the post.


  • Buying the SPY when the NFCI is under its 14-day moving average
  • Selling and holding cash when the NFCI is over its 14-day moving average

The system is out of the market a bunch, but with a diverse set of ETF risk off options including various duration and credit grade bonds (maybe also UUP, GLD), there is potential for a pretty good ETF rotation system. My question is… is the NFCI data available on Portfolio123, or would I have to download the data from FRED and create a custom series? I’m not seeing NFCI data listed on this function page below. Thank you for your help.


Port123 factor ref page →

You’d have to use a custom series for that, I’m afraid.

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