Here is the first installment of a new interview series. Carlos Morales came on the radar with one of his models shooting up 50% in a month. Carlos is finishing up his Masters and has a consultancy business where he mentors P123 users with some advanced techniques.
Who would you like to see interviewed in the future?
- Andreas Himmelreich? High return microcap models plus macro 'quad' positioning
- Yuval Taylor? P123 flagship investor
- Ryan Telford? Baby Guts strategy and Canadian illiquid stocks
- Jrinne (for ML and AI Factor)?
- Marco Salerno? Everything related to P123 from the ground up
- Get my older brother to interview me? (likely a disaster where he talks about hooking up a generator to my braces and electrocuting me)
Let me know who you'd like and why. Pitch a name of a Portfolio123 user and I will see what I can do.