Quick question: Is it possible to apply a transformation, such as a moving average, to a raw custom aggregate series and then calculate a binary signal based on the value of that moving average? If so, could you please explain how to do it?
Alternatively, should the transformation be applied directly within the custom aggregate series definition? If that’s the case, could you kindly explain the process?
Aggregate series doesn't support transformations, as it only supports computing an aggregate value across a universe. Where exactly do you intend to use the signal? I would recommend creating a formula to encapsulate what Dan suggested.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were on the Macro Chart page.
There is no way to apply the SMA directly in the Aggregate Series as Aaron mentioned. But the Macro Chart can set a binary signal based on the SMA of your series. Do these steps accomplish your goal?:
Create a new Macro chart.
Click on My Series and select your series. This opens the Add Series page.
For Transformation, pick Binary, Above SMA (or below SMA if you prefer that) and enter a value for number of Bars.
If you want to run a backtest here, click Add Backtest.