Ranks during server updates

Does the fundamental data get updated on the go to the server as the data gets updated and goes live for us ?

I checked the ranks before the server update this morning, took notes of the trades to do in Europe, later I went in to add a trades and I had a new ranking, took notes and made the trades, went it 30 min later to add the new trades and I got a new ranking again? How is that possible, three different ranks in 3h?

Updates are done twice a day. Generally, a daily update starts at 22:00 Central and then another starts 5 hours later. Observations between the updates may change, which can easily influence ranks.

You shouldn't have been able to see more than one change in a 3-hour window. Do you know the specific times you were looking at it?

Below is the full schedule. Times are in Central.

Day Second First
Sunday 03:00 22:00
Monday 03:30 22:00
Tuesday 03:00 22:00
Wednesday 03:00 22:00
Thursday 03:00 22:00
Friday 03:00 22:00
Saturday 10:00

I looked before the 3AM update, during the update and after the update.

I expected two changes, not three. Since the rank had changed after 3AM, I assume that update was finished and made the trades according to those updates, when I went back to “Commit” to my trades in the live strategy, I had different Recommendations than what I had traded.