Screener not executing

Since at least 4:30pm CST Saturday the Screener has been hanging when trying to switch to Backtest. When trying to add a blank line using the Editor the screen grays out and cycling circle appears on the left.

Verified that it is still happening on Sunday 1:15pm CST.

Please rectify.

Few users are reporting issues but I have not been able to reproduce. Editor seems fine. One user managed to work around it using Edge instead of Chrome.

A more detailed step by step description would help.


I’m using Chrome under Windows. No software updates since Tuesday. Computer shut down last night and booted this afternoon. I was using this functionality Friday afternoon.

From the list of Screen Models I pick one, I’ve tried several, with same results.

It displays the Rules screen with expected content.

Click the “Add Free Form Rule” button and the screen has a light gray overlay and there is a circle on the left screen edge cycling and screen is stuck. Terminate tab.

Different Model, display it, click Backtest, Settings, About, or Rolling and the screen just sits there with a “javascript: void(0);” in a light blue box in the lower left corner.

Toggled a blank rule line off, hit Save from the drop-down, and the gray overlay with spinning circle happens. When I terminate the tab the prompt asking if I want to leave the sight does appear.

Brought up Windows Task Master and there are 7 active sessions for 3 tabs including this one. Terminated the other 2 tabs. Still 7 actives. Going to send this message and reboot the system and come in again.


Back with the same number of Chrome tasks.

Tried the first scenario above with same gray screen. Task Manager has it actively using CPU – about 3%.

It looks like same interaction with Chrome. Installed version is 120.0.6099.217 with last mod on 1/8/2024 7:28pm.

Good thing the market is closed on Monday.