Screening for Spin-offs


I’ve been playing with the corporate actions factors. For example, the rule:
PastCorpAct ( #SPINOFF , #STATUSOK , 60 ) = true

will screen those parent companies who recently successfully spun out new companies in the last 60 days.

However, is there a way to screen for the new spin-off itself?

For example, the rule above shows that VGR had a recent spin-off. If you look it up, you’ll find that the new company is DOUG. However is there a way to screen for the new companies that have recently been spun-off, like DOUG?

Any help is much appreciated.


No, I’m afraid we don’t have any way to screen for those.

You can get lists of those elsewhere, though. See for instance.

OK Yuval, thanks for confirming. It’s not so much the current spin-offs, but historically to test in strategies. No matter, was worth a shot.


Ryan, did you ever find a way to do this?