Sells on NA based on rank

Hi, I am getting sells on RANK = N/A;
the following strategy had 16 of them

while only one during backtesting time?

Please investigate.

Thank you


even with simpler rankings I do not get a rank on SGRP (???)

while this strategy was able to pull a rank and therefore did not sell the stock?


Position 20 --> SGRP

I believe rank = N/A refers to when the stock falls out of the universe. Depending on your universe rules, you can keep a stock even if it falls out of the universe, or sell.


Thank you, this is it, but why does it fall out of the following universe? --> P123 Support

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The screenshot in you post which asks "even with simpler rankings I do not get a rank on SGRP" shows the universe set to Easy to Trade US. That universe has a price>3 rule, so SGRP is not in the universe and so you wont get a rank.

In the screenshot of the strategy, the two NA that are visible both have price < $3. I see that strategy currently uses the No OTC Exchange universe. Maybe it was set to use Easy to Trade US earlier? That is the only reason I see where those stocks would have dropped from the universe.

No that was not the case, thank you, I have a solution, I simply force the stocks into the universe.

Thank you all.

All the best and best regards


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It's like the system knew what was happening :laughing:

yes, in the end I got lucky :wink:

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I assume that I'm not the only one that was not lucky getting out of this one just before the LOI.

I normally just sell as soon as I'm holding a stock in a company that is about to get sold, but in this case the discount is pretty high?!

What are your thoughts?

I do not have experiance with takeovers, so your guess is as good as mine...