Simulation backtests extremely slow

I am seeing simulations (no ai stuff) running for 4 minutes, typical, any time of day, recently....

I believe what you're seeing is time spent in ranking.

While there is a cache which holds your ranks for 20 minutes after last use, (recently increased from a 5-minute expiry,) a particular user will be assigned to a new server 30 minutes after an initial request to avoid issues with load balancing. So best case scenario, you should see this slowdown twice an hour per ranking system.

There are some exceptions:

  • Caching is keyed on various parameters including universe, so changing some aspects of the system, such as universe rules or PIT Method, would cause a cache miss.
  • Force Positions into Universe causes ranks to occur on demand whenever a position is not in the universe, and this cannot be cached since it's the universe plus some arbitrary stocks. The more volatile the universe, the longer the simulation will take generating ranks on demand.

Thanks -

I am aware that ranks are cached for subsequent runs, and the first run takes longer. Also, I do use 2 or more rankers in many cases (via the rating function). However, it seems like the first run is much longer than it used to be; is there an additional change causing this behavior?


Nothing has changed that would make simulations run slower. Can you perhaps try running the same simulation without Force Positions into Universe enabled?

In this case, disabling "force positions into universe" had no effect (no company left the universe during the sim, and run times are similar with and without..) On the bright side, today, the sim is only taking 2 minutes instead of 4 minutes, but still, this is slower than in my past experience. Maybe there's a server hog out there!

I figured as much based on the universe involved. It looks like runtimes have returned to normal for your more recent requests. Let us know if issues come up again, and we'll investigate further.