What can you do relying only on technical analysis or even the weirdest features you could image?

It ain't much, but it's a CAGR that comes with low turnover, low volatility and low beta

Only factors about price and/or volume

There is less bias

The beta and the volatility is low so we have a high sharpe ratio

The number of stocks is 50 and the liquidity screen of the universe is 50k so you can invest some money


You can profit more by training and trading in the Europe:

You needn't trade in Turkey to earn that:


Even models trained on the U.S. microcap universe perform well on European stocks.

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When I discovered that patterns could be found even from 19th century level data or pure price data, I not only wanted to push the limits of modeling: is it possible to get patterns from the strangest features? Can someone predict future stock returns if they only know the country, sector, market capitalization, stock price and ticker of a stock, and other information that seems very unlikely to work with just that?

In fact, it seems that they can.

It also works in the bigger universe:

Is this because of the composition of the universe?

No. In fact, testing this question further proves the stock selection ability of the strategy.

If this isn't a data breach, then it does break my perception, as I previously thought that I couldn't get enough information from these features themselves to do actual trading



Edit3: Update