When are prices updated?

I thought prices would be available “after the update in the evening”.

The attached was copied at 10:58 PM Monday 10/22/2012 showing that the latest price data was Friday 10/19/2012. The “Schedule” shows the “Early update” ran at 10:00 PM to 10:35:PM Monday 10/22/2012.

I checked the prices in my port at 11:00 PM Monday 10/22/2012 and they show the Friday 10/19/2012 closing values for holdings. Apparently, the Early update does not include price updates. Does anyone know when prices should be / are updated?



Looks like we missed the 11PM window due to a process that was left open, that prevented the update to run. It’s a fail safe to prevent multiple things running at the same time. It was a mistake from out part.

We can’t start it now because it might overlap with the 3AM full update, and create more problems later. ETA for prices is now around 430AM. Sorry about this.


Thought I would tack this on to an existing discussion. I want to run a live portfolio and buy/sell on a couple of days other than Monday. I see there is an early update and then a later update at 3amCST. As I am in Australia I am not that interested in waiting until after 7pm our time to place orders etc.
My question is what does the early update do? Is it just prices?
Thanks for any replies.

The 10 pm update captures all the day’s price changes and all of FactSet’s updates. The 3 am update captures any information that FactSet has updated during the intervening 5 hours.

Thanks Yuval.