From my experience the buy date should be a Friday ( 7/22) and the sell date should be a Thursday (7/21) for the system to recognize the transactions on a Monday (7/25).
Your date of Sunday (7/24) will only be recognized next Monday (8/01).
In the past, I’ve used Sat dates w/ a file that is based on the diff of old vs new. That works. Separating the buys and sells isn’t necessary. I would like to believe that the updates are done on some schedule.
After understanding this, I want to tackle the SF survivorship bias problem.
I made a SF update on 7/30/22. Under the Universe screener, the update isn’t visible. However, it is visible when using the Screener w/ the universe selected.
Both screener runs have 08/01/2022 for the ‘As of’ date.
Because this is a complicated issue and we want to release European data soon, we’ve put the fix off for a couple of weeks. My apologies. We will get it done, fear not.
We’ve now fixed this, along with a related problem having to do with when CompleteStmt is recognized. Please let us know if you’re having any further problems with it.
As far as know, that was been the case before. The problem was that there was a latency to when the system recognized the ‘As of’ date. A Sunday update - with a Sunday date - wouldn’t be visible in the system until Tuesday. But once it’s visible, the ‘As of’ date would reflect the new data back to Sunday.
I have a model that uses a Universe based on Stock Factors. That model has ‘Force Positions into Universe’ = No. When a stock is dropped from the Universe, it’s given a ‘NO RANK’ status and it’s dropped from the holdings.
We’re looking into this and will get back to you soon. It seems that Monday universe calculations are based on Saturday’s data, which I think would explain this behavior. But I may be mistaken. I’ll update you when I know more.