We have now added a feature that will enable you to choose how your tickers appear in downloads: with no identifier (for domestic tickers) or with a country identifier (:USA or :CAN).
Click on your picture/icon in the top right of your screen. Then click on “Account Settings.” Under “Country & Currency” you’ll see a “Preferred Country” field. Click “Edit.” You can choose between “International”, “United States,” and “Canada.”
If you choose “United States,” US tickers in downloads will not have a country identifier, but Canadian ones (if any) will. If you choose “Canada,” Canadian tickers in downloads will not have a country identifier, but US ones will. If you choose “International,” all tickers will have country identifiers.
To reproduce what you used to get in downloads before this week’s changes, choose “United States” as your preferred country. If your universe or account includes Canadian stocks but they’re listed in the US (e.g. FECCF), you won’t see any country identifiers. You will only see a country identifier if your universe is North America or your account includes stocks traded on Canadian exchanges; but even then, you will never see :USA.