Enable trading in Canada and Europe for Interactive Brokers


Currently IB linked accounts can only send orders to USA markets.

Your Pledge (goal $2,500)

  • $500
  • $250
  • $100
0 voters

General Terms

By voting you agree to be billed the amount pledged if we decide to do this project. You can retract your pledge anytime before the project kicks off.

@marco, I'm willing to pledge the remaining balance of this project to push it over the finish line. How long would it take to get done?



Should not take more than 2-3 days. We're busy getting the beta of AI launched before we start any other project. In about a week we will decide which of the sponsored projects we tackle. We'll only pick small ones like this one (so no Asia even if funded) so we have time to tend to the new AI baby, which will need lots of TLC.


@feldy, thanks a lot for the pledge (!) and @marco, any update on the progress?

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@marco, I am also interested in this project and willing to pledge to meet the goal. I use automation trading with Amibroker and IB, which works well. What is the project's status? Thanks, Shawn.

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@quoinca, do you import p123 signals into AmiBroker and trade that way? Or is your AmiBroker trading unrelated to p123?

@feldy, sorry for the confusion. I trade several strategies I’ve created in Amibroker. I have an API that automates these trades to IB. I’ve taken the outline of IB’s BasketTrader and input my Portfolio123 trades and then upload them to IB in Excel. So I’m semi automated but want to go full. Cheers, Shawn


Any updates on the status of this project?


After AI is officially launched! Sorry folks.