The fix is for the StdDev of split-sensitive consensus estimates is now live. It affects estimates of EPS and Price Target. The problem was uncovered in this thread by @philjoe
In short, the StdDev of the estimates for EPS and PriceTarget, when evaluated in the past, did not have the splits reversed out. This means that, for example, the StdDev of the EPS estimates in the past was lower by the factor of all future splits. For the present it was always presenting the correct value.
There's no sugar coating this. If you developed a strategy using this metric, please retest your system. This has a potential to make simulations much better than what they really were since stocks that split do so because the price increases.
We totally missed this in the tests. This bug has been lurking since we switched to Factset.
We're very sorry about this.
NOTE: we also released a new function ConsEstRSD() that returns the relative SD. Relative SD is the normal use for SD of estimates case since it normalizes the SD to a percentage.
Thank you for the fast fix Marco. It sucks as I thought a combo of these was pretty much the holy grail. But better to find out now than to have it fail in live trading. And I found a combo factors that work well to replace my old system.
Onward and forward. Thank you for addressing this quickly when you discovered it.
I did backtested 5 effected (micro/small cap) strategies before the update, and today after the update, 4 out of 5 is backtesting higher returns after the update.