Small caps Europe ETF Benchmark in EUR

Hello! I am developing an small caps strategy with Europe data, and i need a small caps ETF in eur benchmark to compare live restults. I’ve seen there is a lot of USD benchmark but only one in EUR. ¿Is it possible to have more eur ETF in the benchmark list?
Thank you!

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We will add in a few weeks many more European benchmarks (for most of the currencies) including those specific to small caps.

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Finally! Great news.
For Poland please the following:

  • small cap : sWIG80, mid cap: mWIG40, large caps: WIG20, the whole market: WIG.

Then of course DAX, CAC, FTSE and OMX are quite obvious.

I appreciate the work on this, but isn't it easier and more accurate to simply add the universe as a benchmark?

As I understand custom benchmarks are not supported yet... ?
It would be a nice feature.

Would you mind sharing which benchmarks you’re planning to add?

waiting, waiting... :timer_clock:

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For now, we are about to release:

Msci Europe Mid
Msci Europe Small

Eurostoxx 50, Eurostoxx 600

Msci Germany, UK, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Poland, Greece, Turkey

Aggregate Euro Treasury 1-3, 3-7, 7-10, 10-20, 20+, all maturities
S&P Sovereign Bond Index for: U.K., Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Turkey

We will add more specific benchmarks and hedges down the line.


Looks good, thanks. :clap:

However, core msci indices cover mostly large caps e.g., MSCI Poland covers only 14 largest stocks, mostly state-owned monopolies, 50% of stocks are banks. It is not my game.

I would be happy to see indices that cover small/mid caps, or even better, the the whole market.

MSCI has a Small cap index for Germany, UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain (SMID) and Finland.

Thre is a MSCI Nordic Countries Small Cap Index too that would be great.

@Riki37 do you have any idea when this will be rolled out? thanks!

waiting, waiting... :timer_clock: :timer_clock:

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