Standardized Unexpected Earnings (SUE)


I see EPSActual(offset , period) and EPSEst(offset , period) available, but is there also something like EPSStdDev(offset, period)? I’m interested in looking at Standardized Unexpected Earnings (SUE).

We have EPSStableQ, but that analyzes GAAP EPS, not actuals. You can read about it here: If that’s not what you’re looking for you, you could try LoopStdDev(“EPSActual(Ctr,Qtr)”,X) where X is the number of quarters you want to measure.

Oh, sorry, you’re looking for the standard deviation of the analyst estimates for a single quarter or annual period. We don’t have that. You might be able to approximate it by using ConsEstHi, ConsEstLow, ConsEstMedian, ConsEstMean, and/or ConsEstCnt, but that would take some work.

For example, the range rule approximates the standard deviation as 1/4 of the high minus the low. So the standard deviation of EPS estimates might be approximated as 0.25*(ConEstHi(#EPSQ)-ConsEstLow(#EPSQ)).

Thanks Yuval,

Since p123 has CurQEPSStdDev and CurFYEPSStdDev, I was hoping that historical values for those items could be retrieved (in a manner that guarantees that they align with the historical estimates). I’ll look at the Cons* functions, but it seems that aligning w/ the actuals will be error prone.

We should be able to add it relatively easily since we do have the StdDev of the estimates for a period. But we currently only expose it for upcoming Current/Next Y/Q. For example CurFYEPSStdDev

We just need to add functions to expose StdDev for past periods like you suggest (we might also built ready-made factors for SUE)

Does it make sense for Sales as well? Like Standardized Unexpected Sales (SAS) ?


NOTE: the naming we chose for past periods is very confusing for EPSEst & SalesEst. Should have been something like EPSHistEst & SalesHistEst. We’ll see about maybe updating them.

I would like to see a built-in SUE. That would expose the idea to more users. And I do think a Standardized Unexpected Sales function would be a nice counterpart to SUE.

As for naming, that is always hard.

Mr. WalterW, sir!

I find it interesting that you are interested in Standardized Unexpected Earnings (SUE). I first learned of SUE just a few months ago while reading the book Quantitative Momentum. In appendix A, they mentioned the SUE method as initially proposed by Robert Novy-Marx, as well as Cumulative Three-day Abnormal Returns (CAR3) and compared those two methods to their method of momentum. Where did you learn about SUE?


Hi Cary,

It could have been from Quantitative Momentum. I have that book - among many, many others. SUE has been on my to-do list for awhile.


SUE (yearly, quarterly, etc) is coming very soon. Maybe end of the week.

NOTE: Also adding a new one “SUS” for Standardized Unexpected Sales, which may not mean much, but was easy to do.

Doing other SU’s like FCF or EBITDA would require a bit more work.

Thanks Marco! Much appreciated.