Several years ago I was a disappointed P123 user. There seemed to be a disconnect between my backtest results and my real-world investing results. My technique then involved holding 4 stocks at a time, picked weekly (every Sunday night) by P123. Needless to say, this resulted in a lot of turnover. Frustrated, I let my P123 subscription expire, but recently I decided to give P123 another shot. Shortly after retiring earlier this year I spent $1,000 for a one-year subscription to the individual “backtest” plan of P123.
At first there were some subtle anomalies in the way I was implementing my screen, but Yuval set me straight and now my screen is picking stocks correctly. I am using a new ranking system but have added some “secret sauce” from my old system.
Now I am happy to report that in the four months I’ve been using P123 again, it has way more than paid for itself. I have more than recouped the original $1,000 subscription price, even after the market dip of the past few weeks.
Now, instead of my previous rapid-fire, high-turnover method, I’m more into letting my profits run, keeping in mind that Warren Buffett’s favorite holding period is “forever”. Some of my positions are what I call “tax locked”, i.e. the gain is such that I would rather hold onto the position than sell and incur a CG tax liability, even if the stock is no longer among my screen picks.
Happy investing!