Preview of a glorious Fundamental Charts redesign, and 4 new powerful functions !

Dear All,

Here’s a preview of our new Fundamental charts. Beside the cleaner look it features:

  • Dynamic chart, just hover over to see value
  • Multiple plots for better grouping

In the chart I’m showcasing our new functions that calculate the Avg, Med, Min or Max of a factor over a period. In this example I’m showing two plots for AMZN

  1. Price vs the price is should be trading if it was trading at the historical median PS for the past 1Y and 3Y
  2. The current PS ratio vs the average , min and max for the trailing year (with 12 monthly samples)

In other words AMZN fair value based on median PS is around $4K :slight_smile: .

The formula to calculate the fair price is

Price* Pr2SalesTTM / FHistMed(“Pr2SalesTTM”,12,4)

It’s the current price * the ratio of current PS with the historical median for the past year (12 samples offset by 4 weeks)

New chart & functions should be available later this week.

Let us know what you think.

Marco - can the overlay plots be called up as a bundle (i.e. max, avg, min, etc), or do you have to go to the effort of specifying each one individually? It would be nice to have studies where we can define the plots that we want to see and only have to call it up once for a stock. It probably isn’t a concern for most, but the work I do involves the fundamental charts and it gets kind of tedious having to call up individual plots all the time.

Shouldn’t that be;

Price / (Pr2SalesTTM / FHistMed("Pr2SalesTTM",12,4))

If so, AMZN should be about $2500/share.

Also, a lot of stocks have prices in the thousands such as Would it be possible to articulate the last price on the graph as well as for the upper and lower limits, such as x,xxx, as opposed to 4k? The way you have it, the graph is less than useful as one can’t figure out the max / min / price to any meaningful degree. It would only be subjective “eyeball” analysis.

Walter , shoot you right! Your median is actually way more generous. With my median in the numerator I get about $2000 “fair value”, so it’s 50% over it’s historical median. Guess that’s the covid effect. I’m not selling :slight_smile:

Steve when you hover over you will see the values. But we’ll see what we can do.

re. bundles, not sure what you mean. With the new plots feature you can have 10 plots if you like. Either tiny ones or you scroll down to see them. We’ll also add a feature to have two columns of charts.

Here it is with corrected formula on a log scale. Still interesting since it can go long stretches over it’s median like 2015->2019


This is how I’m defining $Pr2Sales3YrMedian;

$Pr2Sales3YrMedian = LoopMedian(“$Pr2SalesFHist”,156,0,1,1,1)
$Pr2SalesFHist = FHist(“Pr2SalesTTM”,CTR)

Also, I’ve found that, depending on how the calculation is made, dividend paying stocks can plot differently. Plotting SalesPSTTM*Pr2SalesMedian
has the same endpoint but the historic values are different for some stocks. Check AMZN and MO.


PS - plot TSLA, too. Its adjusted price is less than $100!

Marco - so I use fundamental charts in Seeking Alpha articles. (It’s publicity for you). The 4k would be shown on the copy/pasted chart but the hover-over values wouldn’t.

By bundles, I mean a user predefined study. That way, you just call up a study and all of the plots come up simultaneously, instead of having to select each individually. It is not a big deal for most people, I’m sure. It would make life easier for me. As for multiple but separate charts… It isn’t great for me as I want the full-size, not squished charts for articles so I end up deleting all but one. I am constantly deleting and reselecting charts. I can work with what I have, but it is (gosh) work.

Looks good, Marco!

Hi Walter, good point. In fact plotting TSLA share price vs fair price looks almost like an inverse correlation :slight_smile:

Steve, the new charts can be easily made as tall as you want , and each plot height can be controlled individually. So you can have a really long page and just scroll down. You have left right arrows by the layouts. Isn’t that enough to scroll? Not sure how you can have everything. You want full charts and all layouts ?

We’ll fix the labels. Thanks

Marco - If I can adjust the chart size then that will probably do. The only thing is with regards to multiple plots. You have shown some pretty nice applications but my problem is that it takes a long time to set them up. It would be nice to be able to save the set of plots as a ‘study’ and recall later. Have the ability to store a few studies. You would just click on a button labeled “Study 1” and all of the plots associated with that study would come up for whatever stock you are examining. If that feature doesn’t happen then there probably won’t be much use for multiple plots on a chart in my estimation, at least I won’t be using them. But I appreciate the effort you are making to improve the charts.


Steve , what?? You don’t see the save option ? The three dots by Saved Charts…

Hah! You have me embarrassed. I am so focused that I didn’t realize what that was… Thank you for pointing that out Marco!

Marco, that’s very powerful!
I like that we can plot expressions including aggregate series, custom formulas and even FOrder!
However it seems it doesn’t accept the Rating function to plot ranks (I get this error: Rating(“Basic: Growth”) is not valid)
Ranks can already be plotted in the Rank panel, but it might be interesting to have Rating() available here. To be honest, I don’t need it, I was just testing.

The charts don’t render correctly from the few tests I did. Might be worth rolling out the old version while it gets fixed?

Those are NA’s. The previous version just drew a straight line between the valid data points so it was not as apparent. PEG using LTGrowth can be very bad with NA’s , specially with few analysts. But PEG using short term growth is also very volatile, and often looks crazy. (I’ve personally abandoned PEGs in my analysis)

Is there a way you can reinstate that feature? Very often there is only 1 missing data point for some financial statement items and it looks kinda silly. I liked that the old version would draw a straight line between valid data points. Thanks

Seeing the NA’s is an invaluable tool to debug your formulas. We could add a user setting to draw straight lines

Thank you for improving charts!